Armenian Genocide Survivors: The Strunga Orphanage in Romania




orphans, humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation, Armenian Genocide, Armenian community from Romania, Kingdom of Romania


This article examines the history of the 200 children rescued from massacres that took place during the Armenian Genocide, who found shelter in Greater Romania (1918-1940), in the Strunga orphanage, which was open for three years, from 1923 to 1926. The Strunga orphanage history approach reflects the dimensions of humanitarian assistance in the Kingdom of Romania on the issue of Armenian refugees, particularly on the fate of children after the genocide. The reconstruction of this orphanage history is based on historical sources, such the Album of Orphans (1923), archive documents and articles from the contemporary press published by the Armenian minority in interwar Romania. In general, the humanitarian dimensions of Armenian community support in Romania offered the orphans the possibility of rehabilitation after the genocide and adaptation to the new social environment that Romania represented.

Author Biography

Lidia Prisac, Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Moldavian Ministry of Education, Culture and Research

PhD, senior researcher at the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Moldavian Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. She holds a PhD in Historical Sciences (2013). In 2019 she was Raphael Lemkin Fellow at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Yerevan, Armenia. Her research interests involve the history of the Armenian community in Bessarabia/Romania in the interwar period, and the history of the Armenian refugees from Russian and Ottoman Empires. She is an author of over three dozen articles related to the history of Armenians in Romania.


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How to Cite

Prisac, L. (2020). Armenian Genocide Survivors: The Strunga Orphanage in Romania. International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, 5(1), 32–53.