Traces Leading to Pontus and the Bosporus: The Ottoman Genocide in German Language (Post) Migrant Prose


  • Tessa Hofmann Freie Universität Berlin



Ottoman Genocide, Post-migrant prose, Post-genocidal prose, intergenerational experience, family novel, travel prose


This literary analysis examines the representation of the Ottoman genocide against Armenians and Greeks in contemporary German prose using four examples of family narratives and travel texts, respectively. Two of the authors analyzed – Katerina Poladyan and Laura Cwiertnia – represent fictional prose, while Mirko Heinemann and Michael Asderis represent factual prose. Written three to four generations after the Ottoman genocide, all four authors ask themselves what the events of that time mean for the descendants of survivors: a burden or a legacy obligatory to preserve or remember?
At the same time, genre hybridity as a characteristic of post-genocidal or post-migrant German prose is analyzed.

Author Biography

Tessa Hofmann, Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. phil., Magistra Artium, Prof. h.c., studied philology (Slavic literatures and languages, Armenian Studies) and Sociology at the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB); 1983-2015 research associate at the Institute for Eastern European Studies of the FU Berlin; research associate in international research projects (e.g. “Out-Migration from Armenia and Georgia”, 2008-2012); since 2015 independent scholar; author of numerous publications on the history, culture and present situation of Armenia and its diaspora, on genocide research with a focus on Ottoman genocide, on minorities in Turkey and the South Caucasus (
Since 1979 volunteer human rights work, e.g. as Chair of the non-profit Working Group Recognition - Against Genocide, for International Understanding; spokeswoman of the Board of the Association for the Promotion of an Ecumenical Memorial for Genocide Victims in the Ottoman Empire.


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Andrej Bitow, Armenische Lektionen: Eine Reise aus Russland (Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 2002)

Katerina Poladyan, Hier sind Löwen; Roman (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 2019)

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Konstantinos Emm. Fotiadis, The Genocide of the Pontian Greeks (Monee, Il., 2020)

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Ecumenical Patriarchate, Persecution of the Greeks in Turkey 1914-1918 (Constantinople: The Hesperia Press, 1919)

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How to Cite

Hofmann, T. (2022). Traces Leading to Pontus and the Bosporus: The Ottoman Genocide in German Language (Post) Migrant Prose. International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, 7(1), 50–71.